Online Business Ideas

Businesses are predominant in capitalist economies, where most of them are privately owned and administered to earn profit to increase the wealth of their owners.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Grounds Zero: A Starbucks-Free Italy

Why hasn't Howard Schultz brought his coffee giant to the land that inspired it?

If it weren’t for Italy, Starbucks (SBUX) might not exist. After all, it was on a business trip to Milan in 1983 that Howard Schultz had the revelation on which he built his global empire. At the time, Starbucks was a coffee roaster—it didn’t own a single cafe—and Schultz was its marketing director. In a book published after the company had become an international behemoth, Schultz described how he set out one morning, sipping espressos at the cafes near his hotel. By afternoon he had sampled his way to the Piazza del Duomo, home to Milan’s famous Gothic cathedral. The large square was “almost literally lined” with coffee shops, he wrote. The air was alive with the sound of opera and the smell of roasting chestnuts. Schultz noted “the light banter of political debate and the chatter of kids in school uniforms” and watched as retirees and mothers with children made small talk with the baristas behind the counters.

It was at this point that Schultz, no doubt heavily caffeinated, was seized by inspiration. Most Americans were still drinking their coffee at diners, in restaurants, or at the kitchen table; Italians had made cafes part of their community. Coffee didn’t have to be just a drink, he realized. It could be an experience. The opportunity was enormous, and Starbucks, by limiting itself to roasting, was in danger of missing it. “It was like an epiphany,” Schultz recalled in his book. “It was so immediate and physical that I was shaking.”

Nearly 30 years later, the insights Schultz brought home have not only spread deep into American culture but gained millions of adherents worldwide. From the first few cafes that Schultz opened in Seattle, the chain has expanded into some 11,000 locations in the U.S. The company, which declined to comment for this article, has 925 outlets in Japan, 730 in the U.K., 314 in Mexico. Starbucks has stores in, among other places, Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Greece, Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia. On Jan. 30, Starbucks announced that it will open its first outlet in India later this year.

But there’s no Starbucks in the Piazza del Duomo, the site of Schultz’s epiphany. Nor is there an outlet anywhere else in Milan, or indeed, in all of Italy. At a time when Starbucks views global expansion as the key to future growth—and when it is virtually impossible to walk through a major European city without stumbling onto a Starbucks—the company has no presence whatsoever in the country that inspired its founding.
This was not Howard Schultz’s plan. “I am interested eventually in Italy and France,” he said in 2002, as the company was in the first stages of its international expansion. Two years later, Starbucks had branches in Paris and Lyon—but not in Rome or Milan. “We want to go to Italy,” Schultz told Kai Ryssdal, host of public radio’s Marketplace, in 2006. “We’re just—we haven’t looked at it as seriously as we had other markets, but at some point we will go.”
“You afraid a little bit?” asked Ryssdal.
“I don’t think we’re afraid,” said Schultz. “I just don’t think we’re—it has not been as high on the radar because other markets are bigger in scope and offer more potential, but we will go to Italy.”

Six years later, Italy remains the mountain Schultz has yet to climb. The country might not mean much from a pure business perspective; while Italians love their coffee, the market for it is famously crowded and fragmented. But what Italy does represent is the height of coffee culture, the gold standard against which all others are measured. As such, the country represents a reputational risk. There’s only so long the company can sit on the sidelines before Ryssdal’s question to Schultz will start to resonate. When it comes to competing in Italy, what is Starbucks afraid of?

Schultz doesn’t mention which cafes he visited on his trip in 1983, but he would have been hard-pressed to miss Caffè Miani. The Milan institution occupies a corner spot at the entrance to the glass-vaulted galleria that connects the Piazza del Duomo with the La Scala opera house. Its floors are a marble chessboard of brown and white. An art nouveau mosaic of jungle vines and tropical birds runs over the large mirrors behind the bar, above which hangs an antique clock. The baristas—in Italy a cafe is called a bar, and barista simply means bartender—wear white shirts and bowties. In the afternoon they stock the countertop with bowls of olives and pickles sprinkled with ice to keep them cool.

25 Ways to Make LinkedIn Work for You

LinkedIn offers several features free of charge, but many job seekers barely scratch the surface when using the site to build their profile

LinkedIn is a networker’s dream: an easy way to learn about, and reach out to, millions of businesspeople and thousands of employers. Yet many LinkedIn users don’t take advantage of the site’s features even though the vast majority are free.

Here are my top 25 recommendations for getting past “Well, I’ve got a login” and making the site really work for you, whether you’re job hunting, hiring, growing your entrepreneurial business, or just seeing and being seen in the online branding arena.

You’ll start by creating your LinkedIn profile and adding connections. Then you’ll use LinkedIn’s fancier features to do such things as reach out to friends of friends, join a Group or a LinkedIn Answers conversation, or enhance your profile with apps.

Our first 13 LinkedIn tips focus on your profile:

Name: Use your “business” name. My given name is Elizabeth but no one calls me that, so I use Liz in my profile and on my business card. Don’t add extraneous information in the Name field (like “5,000+ connections”) unless you want to brand the size of your Rolodex rather than yourself.

Headline: Your LinkedIn headline, just below your name, is a huge branding opportunity. When another user searches the LinkedIn user database, your name and headline are the only things they’ll see before deciding whether to click on your full profile. Make your headline count. “Marketing Manager” isn’t much of a branding statement, but “Marketer Specializing in Social/Content Marketing for Hospitals” separates you from the pack.

Photo: Don’t leave your LinkedIn profile photoless. Upload any decent-looking, digital head-and-shoulders photo. You don’t need business attire for this shot. Just use a photo that sends the message, “This is a business or professional person,” meaning (as you may have guessed) last year’s beach vacation shots might not be your best pick. (Then again, it all depends on your brand.)

URL: Make sure your LinkedIn profile bears your own stamp in the form of a personalized URL, like Once you’ve got that customized URL, you can use it on your résumé, in your e-mail signature, and on your business card.
Summary: Here’s where you can tell your story. “Results-oriented Finance professional” makes you sound like a robot or a zombie. “I started out in Accounting before morphing into a Sales Operations guy” gives us a feel for your path and your personality. Have fun with your LinkedIn summary—it’s the one free-form (and long!) field on LinkedIn where you can speak to the reader (the person viewing your profile) in a human voice.

Specialties: The Specialties section of your LinkedIn profile is another great field. You can use terms like “Supply Chain Management” and “Safety Training,” but you can also talk about your Irish wolfhounds and salsa dancing in this field. Prospective clients and employers want real, live, entangled, interesting people on their teams. Business is personal these days, and your outside-of-work interests (the ones you care to share, anyway) are part of your professional persona.

Add Sections: A powerful new LinkedIn feature is Add Sections, which lets you amplify your profile with additional information about past jobs, projects, organization memberships, and more. Click on the Add Sections link to preview the various enhancements you can make to your profile just by providing a bit more background.

Work History: It takes only a few seconds to upload your text résumé to LinkedIn, and it will save you time creating the Work History section of your profile. You can amplify this field with your proudest accomplishments or particular responsibilities you want readers to know about. It’s important to include the dates (and employer names) for each past assignment so LinkedIn can match you up with colleagues who have worked alongside you.

Public Speaking - The Art of Speech Producing

You can also do a dry run in front of people you're close with. Second - Karaoke. Give yourself plenty of time to arrive on the day of the speech.

The course was really considerably hands-on and involved role play routines and we went by way of the whole approach of putting together a Public Speaking Fear. One of the greatest actors for facial expression and body language is Harrison Ford. If you're a nervous speaker (and this also goes for all those of you that believe you'll be able to wing it) take the time to write out your speak completely.

As freshers inside the school atmosphere, children are apprehensive about going to school. The use of conjunctions is component of good English. Your years at school brought a lot more opportunities to speak in public.

Avish Parashar will be the co-owner and operator of, a web site created to show speakers of each level the best way to speak much better, make more funds, and have much more enjoyable. In scenarios in which public speaking is needed inside a formal surroundings like official speech, presentation or conferences, you will find few crucial points to keep in mind. Many specialists, academicians and enterprise owners know the challenging facts: confidence in public speaking boosts your career.

Studying public speaking could be a fun and stimulating knowledge that will empower you in any boardroom or public presentation. You can distract yourself by paying attention towards the atmosphere in which you happen to be speaking and seeing how you can make it operate for you. Make good use of one's hands also.

If the masses listen and perceive which you realize and express their concern in a way they comprehend, they spot the responsibility of figuring out their lives completely on your hands. The next to the last thing I want to hear could be the speaker expounding for 50 minutes of memorized text. Entire physique language Body language performs an essential role in speech delivery.

By defining your goals ahead of you plan your presentation, youll be much better equipped to build your message to attain your desired outcome. It really is really easy, (public speaking) Say what you have to say and once you come to a sentence having a grammatical ending, sit down. And every time, I give that presentation, it'll sound slightly different.

Public speaking just isn't as difficult as men and women feel it.If a lot of people really feel themselves unable to speak then it is just their state of thoughts and nothing else.Listed here are couple of issues that could be quite useful if applied in routine and practiced. Go there especially in that sole objective. Public speaking can get you out in front of a lot more individuals in a really short period of time.

Acquiring them correct won't be a problem, in case you recite them a few instances. Just go to a party and do it. If you're not interested it's unlikely that you can interest your audience in them.

So that you can recognize how NLP might be efficiently utilized to overcome fear of public speaking, we have to recognize a number of the basic components of communication. Numerous years of ... Whilst inside the following minutes, this article will emphasis on what these sorts of men and women must full in order to get over their nervousness and be capable of speak freely no matter of what quantity of persons are observing and listening to them.

Preserve yourself fit. Seriously, you must put the time in to construct and Public Speaking Skills your speak out loud. It is important to understand that at some time in way of life, every single single individual requirements to turn into involved in one type of manifeste talking or yet another.